Terms & Conditions of Submitting an Entry & Booking a Seat to the Awards

1. Pharma Industry Awards UK 2023 (The Event) is organised by Event Strategies Ltd, Pleasants House, Pleasants Lane, Dublin 8. (The Organiser).

2. All entries for The Event must be completed and uploaded via the online entry system by entry deadline date.

3. Entry deadlines may be extended at the discretion of The Organisers.

4. All entries must be a truthful representation of the entrant’s involvement, with a proven record.

5. Entrants can enter a maximum of 8 submissions into the awards across the available categories, with a maximum of 2 entries per category.

6. Entries are encouraged either directly or from external contracted third parties acting for the putative nominee .

7. All entrants agree to be bound by the decisions of the judges and accept no correspondence, telephone, email or communication of any kind will be entered into in relation to decisions reached.

8. All material submitted in support of an entry is warranted by the entrant to be their property and is entered without any encumbrances by third parties.

9. The entrant indemnifies, and agrees to keep indemnified, The Organisers for any claims arising out of any material, statements or claims made as part of their entry.

10. The entrant agrees that The Organisers of the awards are entitled to judge their entry and select what they consider to be the winner in a given category without recourse to the entrants.

11. In the event that the organisers receive multiple submissions for the same project in a category, only one submission can go forward to the shortlist and the Organisers reserves the right choose as their preference the entrant which is deemed most appropriate to the Awards.

12. In the event that a project wins a trophy, the submitting entity accepts the trophy on the night. Any member of the project team is welcome to purchase a copy of the trophy.

13. The entrant agrees that should they be shortlisted for an Award they will provide a representative to attend the award ceremony to accept the trophy in the event they are successful.

14. The Organisers reserve the right, and the entrant agrees to same, that where the shortlisted entrant fails to send a representative to attend the event the organisers can withdraw the relevant shortlisted entry(s) from the competition without further recourse.

15. In the circumstances that a shortlisted entrant fails to send a representative to the event but has been declared the winner, the organisers reserve the right, at their sole discretion, to void the entrants submission(s) and promote the next placed entrant present at the event to be declared the winner.

16. The entrant agrees that should they be shortlisted for an Award they will not be permitted to sit at a table with any sponsors of The Event.

17. In the event that a winning entrant does not send a representative to the event then, on submitting to the organisers an explanation as to their non-attendance, they may still, at the organisers sole discretion, be awarded their trophy which will be shipped to them upon receipt from the entrant by the organisers of a payment of €500 plus VAT.

18. If the entrant wins an award it grants permission to the organisers to use any photographs, video, sound, written or other material as it sees fit and without restriction.

19. Entries received without the prerequisite information will be deemed invalid and withdrawn from The Awards.

20. The Organisers reserves the right to withdraw an entry from the judging process at any time if the entry is deemed inappropriate for any reason.

21. All decision on submission to The Event are final.

22. Organisers reserve the right not to award a category at its own discretion and without recourse to the entrants of said category.

23. In the event that a category is deemed not to have received a sufficient number of entries for the shortlist, the organisers reserve the right, and the entrant agrees to the same, to withdraw the entrant`s submission and to assign the winner based on nomination from the event’s judging panel.

24. The Organisers reserve the right to nominate the entrant in additional categories that the organisers feel appropriate.

25. The person named on the entry form will be the used as the point of contact by The Organisers.

26. If the name of the nominated contact person changes, The Organisers must be contacted immediately.

27. Shortlisted entrants may be required to provide additional information upon request from The Organisers.

28. Entries will be judged by a panel of judges selected by The Organisers.

29. Entrants can enter multiple categories.

30. Sponsors cannot enter the category they are sponsoring.

31. The winners of the awards may state in advertising, promotional material and on their stationery that they are a winner, but this must make it clear which category and the year in which they won.

32. The Organisers reserve the right, and the entrant accepts same, to remove an entry from the competition at their sole discretion and without recourse to said entrant.

33. Payment must be made 14 days in advance of the event date in order guarantee your place.

34. Super Early Bird payments must be received by the Super Early Bird deadline date otherwise you will be charged at the Early Bird rate. Early Bird payments must be received by the Early Bird deadline date otherwise you will be charged at the Full Price rate.

35. Notification of cancellation 30 days before the event date – full refund/no payment required.

36. Notification of cancellation 15 days before the event date – 50% refund/50% payment required.​

37. Notification of cancellation 7 days before the event date – 25% refund/75% payment required.

38. Notification of cancellation 6 days or less before the event date – no refund/payment in full required.

39. Notification of payment cancellation must be made in writing to bookings@eventstrategies.ie.

40. Where special processes are required by finance departments to validate or process invoices related to the booking of seats at the awards ceremony and these are communicated after the booking has been made and the invoice for said booking has been issued then the organisers reserve the right and the entrants accepts same to cancel the original invoice and reissue a new invoice which will include a €250.00 (plus VAT) processing fee to cover any additional administration processes required to complete the special processes stipulated by the entity making the booking.

41. The Organisers may (at its sole discretion) change the date or cancel The Event at any time for any reason. Where The Organisers changes the date or cancels The Event for any reason except due to a Force Majeure Event (in which case the terms of Condition 31 shall apply) The Organisers shall offer you the option of attending any replacement or rescheduled event that The Organisers chooses to organise (acting in its sole discretion). If you promptly notify The Organisers in writing before the date of The Event that you do not wish to attend the rearranged Event or if The Organisers elects not to rearrange the Event then you will (as your sole remedy) be entitled, at your discretion, to receive a credit note in respect of your fees received by The Organisers to be used for value against another future event.

42. Where a Force Majeure Event has or may have (at The Organiser’s sole discretion) an adverse impact on: (i) the ability of The Organisers to hold The Event at the planned venue or on the planned date; or (ii) the Event generally, then The Organisers shall be entitled but not obliged (in its sole discretion) to either: (i) provide alternative facilities or venue for The Event; and/or (ii) reschedule The Event. Any of your fees received by The Organisers shall be applied to any rearranged or rescheduled event held pursuant to this Condition 31 and you shall not be entitled to object to such rearranged or rescheduled event or have any right to claim any compensation in respect thereof. If The Organiser is unable or elects not to rearrange or reschedule The Event due to Force Majeure, then you will (as its sole remedy) be entitled, in your sole discretion, to a credit note in respect of your fees received by The Organisers in each case to be used as value against a future event. For the purpose of this Condition 10 “Force Majeure Event” means any event arising that is beyond the reasonable control of The Organisers including (without limitation) to speaker or participant cancellation or withdrawal, supplier or contractor failure, venue damage or cancellation, health scares, pandemics, industrial dispute, governmental regulations or action, military action, fire, flood, disaster, civil riot, acts of terrorism or war. These terms and conditions shall apply in respect of any rearranged or rescheduled The Event organised by The Organisers pursuant to this Condition 31.

43. To the fullest extent permitted by the applicable law, The Organisers shall not be liable to you for any loss, delay, damage or other liability incurred resulting from or arising in connection with the cancellation or date change of the Event howsoever arising or any venue change. You acknowledge and agree that the provisions of conditions 30 and 31 set out your sole remedy should the Event date be changed or cancelled, and all other liability of The Organisers is expressly excluded.

44. The Event and all its Intellectual Property remains the sole copyright of The Organisers, all rights reserved.

45. These Terms and Conditions will be subject to the laws of Republic of Ireland.

46. A copy of our privacy policy is available here.

47. By submitting an entry or by booking a seat at the Event confirms your agreement with these Terms and Conditions.